Welcome to Lobuss

Loyalty business

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Few Words About Us

Lobuss was established in 2012. Our goal is to provide tailor-made software according to customer requirements, quality service and excellent support. The satisfaction of our clients is the first place.


Consultation with the client to meet client needs, knowledge of the problem, real interest in bringing the right solution, with respect to client needs.


Design is not just a Front-end, it's a comprehensive understanding of how the app will work. It consists of a section that is visible to parts that are not seen, they are more important. Proper design of services, processes, and data processing is important for all applications.


Our long-term experience with database system development brings our clients a solution that will certainly not be temporary. Back-end is the core of all application that can not be temporary or halfway.


Klincová 37
821 08 Slovakia

+421 908 173 970